The range of products from Power-Netz offers everything you need for a successful internet presence. With our all-round carefree Managed Hosting Products, we ensure that you can take care of your core business.
Trust is inclusive.
Our customers trust us and the individual consultancy of our staff. Power-Netz has proved its competence in custom-made and personal hosting for agencies and resellers since 1998.
We combine our flexible and configurable Plesk servers with excellent service.
Our server administration support of Plesk enables a cooperative partnership with resellers and agencies. Our solution-oriented consulting and service mentality helps our customers to use all Plesk hosting functions optimally and utilize all potentials. Managed hosting by Power-Netz fully conforms to the needs of our customers which enables us to offer a comfortable Plesk hosting experience.
Rund ums Hosting bietet die Produktpalette von Power-Netz alles, was der Kunde für einen erfolgreichen Auftritt im Internet benötigt. Wir sorgen mit unserem Managed-Hosting dafür, dass Sie sich mit diesem “Rundum-Sorglos-Paket” ganz Ihrem Kerngeschäft widmen können.
Vertrauen inklusive.
Unsere Kunden vertrauen uns und der persönlichen Beraung durch unser Team. Bereits seit 1998 beweist Power-Netz seine Kernkomptenz in maßgeschneidertem und persönlichem Hosting für Agenturen und Reseller.
Wir kombinieren unsere flexibel konfigurierbaren Plesk-Server mit exzellentem Service. Unser Support rund um die Serveradministration mit Plesk stellt für Reseller und Agenturen eine partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit dar. Unsere lösungsorientierte Beratung und Servicementalität unterstützt unseren Kunden, Hosting-Funktionen optimal zu nutzen und alle Potentiale zu erkennen und auszuschöpfen. Unser Managed Hosting richtet sich voll auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden aus, so dass wir unseren Kunden ein komfortables Plesk-Hosting-Erlebnis bieten.
Get Plesk on Power-Netz!
What distinguishes Power-Netz als your managed hosting provider? If you are focused on quality, hosting made in Germany, individual service and trustworthy cooperation, learn more about us….
Was zeichnet Power-Netz als Ihr Managed Hosting Provider aus? Wenn Ihnen Dinge wie Qualität, Hosting made in Germany, individueller Service und eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit wichtig sind, erfahren Sie mehr über uns….
About Power-Netz
Symgenius [GmbH & Co KG] offers custom-made managed hosting solutions and supports companies with competent IT consultancy.
Company History
Symgenius [GmbH & CO. KG] has been successfully active as a managed hosting company in Europe since 1998. The corporate history began with the branch Power-Netz.de which continues to focus on added-value reseller hosting and hosting for retailers. Over the years, Symgenius has evolved into a specialized managed hosting partner for companies and agencies which need to outsource their IT structures or demand a complex fail-resistant server
infrastructure. Symgenius stands for perfection in planning and implementation of [hosting] projects.
As an independent hosting provider, Symgenius manages its servers predominantly in two data centers in Düsseldorf which utilize the highest security standards. The certified data centers fulfill all of the requirements pertaining to hosting Made in Germany along with Green-IT and meet prevailing international standards including ISO 9001: 2008 for
quality management systems and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 for management system for IT security.
Symgenius [GmbH & Co KG] offers custom-made managed hosting solutions and supports companies with competent IT consultancy.
Company History
Symgenius [GmbH & CO. KG] has been successfully active as a managed hosting company in Europe since 1998. The corporate history began with the branch Power-Netz.de which continues to focus on added-value reseller hosting and hosting for retailers. Over the years, Symgenius has evolved into a specialized managed hosting partner for companies and agencies which need to outsource their IT structures or demand a complex fail-resistant server
infrastructure. Symgenius stands for perfection in planning and implementation of [hosting] projects.
As an independent hosting provider, Symgenius manages its servers predominantly in two data centers in Düsseldorf which utilize the highest security standards. The certified data centers fulfill all of the requirements pertaining to hosting Made in Germany along with Green-IT and meet prevailing international standards including ISO 9001: 2008 for
quality management systems and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 for management system for IT security.