Multiple OS line-up: Choose from a range of available OS distros for Linux, including CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu and Windows 2012/2016
Hardened OS: As part of our managed services we harden the OS, manage and monitor the OS for intrustions and take proactive action to ensure that your services run securely on our network.
Indian DC Facility: Faster access, lower latency and regulatory compliance for hosting your apps and data within India.
We backup all client data hosted on our servers, multiple times per week to ensure that we can recover your data if and when disaster strikes in the form of human error or malicious events.
Our servers and datacenter infrastrucure is owned and managed by our team of network engineers on a 24×7 basis. We host at South Asia’s first Uptime Certified TIER IV Datacenter facility in Mumbai, India offering 99.999% uptime SLA.
We offer fully managed support on our services which means that we will handle just about any issue or configuration request you may have with your server outside of custom software/script installations or troubleshooting.
Get Plesk on Diadem!
Why Choose Diadem Technologies?
- Self owned and fully managed Cloud Hosting Services
- Hosted at India’s only Uptime Certified TIER IV datacenter facility
- Redundant, multi homed network with all leading carriers in India
- Enterprise grade hardware and networking equipments with 24×7 monitoring.
- Partnerships with Plesk, Redhat, Microsoft, Zimbra and other cloud vendors.
- Automated full data backup and recovery solutions included within all our services.
About Diadem
Diadem Technologies is amongst India’s leading cloud service providers, providing Cloud, Hybrid, and Dedicated IAAS, SAAS & PAAS solutions for clients across the globe from its network hosted at Uptime Certified TIER IV datacenter facility in India.
In business since 2003, we provide our clients with the best of breed solutions with no capex or long term commitments in a fully manged environment alongwith superior technical support.