Focus on building and maintaining your websites – let Plesk do the rest!
We take care of managing servers, installing server software, security updates, technical support, and other aspects of the service for you, so you can focus on building your website and grow your business.
Some of the best features are:
Plesk secures your website automatically. Get broadest levels of security- firewall protection, embedded ModSecurity rules, Kernel security updates without reboot
Free SSL: An SSL certificate encrypts any information transmitted between your visitors and our servers. This is especially important for capturing private customer information. An SSL certificate can cost thousands, but you get it for FREE!
WordPress ready: Sometimes, speed is everything! You don’t want to lose customers because your site is slow. Our servers are optimized to load your WordPress site super-fast and keep your visitors happy.
Site Builder: Choose from many of the beautiful templates available to you for free with this tool, and create your website easily and quickly.
Cirrus Hosting is Canadian owned an operated, our web hosting servers in Toronto are housed in our high capacities and low latency data centers, which is home to the Toronto Internet Exchange (TorIX) with 150+ unique high speed networks its helps reducing latency, kepping traffic local and ensuring network reliability (we guarantee 99.99% uptime) . All of our customers have access to our professional support team. Our experienced support experts are on hand 24/7/365. They are available by phone, support ticket, or live chat, contact them anytime from anywhere.
Get Plesk on Cirrus!
About Cirrus Tech LTD
Cirrus Tech is one of Canada’s largest web hosting, dedicated servers, co-location provider and a leading provider of comprehensive Internet services. Cirrus Tech provides locally based sales and engineering support for its Internet services in Canada, and also hosts its entire infrastructure in its local data centers.
We recognize that we are in the Service Industry and technology is just the name of the game. Our mission is to provide secure, accessible and manageable web hosting solutions and hosted IT infrastructure solutions and services to virtually any company at any size, through placing the focus on maintaining the highest level of quality and reliability.We have realized something that our competition has failed to recognize. Simply put, we are in the service industry and technology is only part of the equation. We will accommodate your needs whether it is a personal website, an online business, or enterprise level solutions.
Company History
Cirrus Tech. Ltd. is a private, family owned corporation founded in 1999. Cirrus Tech grew rapidly from a simple shared hosting and domain Registrar Company to a full-blown enterprise class dedicated server and co-location provider. In 2004 we started our cloud service offering today, we are hosting several thousand Virtual machines, 100,000 domains and a huge cloud infrastructure spanning three different data centers in the Greater Toronto Area.