NEO Dedicated Hosting is committed to increasing the productivity and efficiency of your website. Equipped with the Plesk control panel, NEO Dedicated Hosting leverages your hosting performance with an intuitive server management tools by eliminating the complexity for managing the virtual private server (VPS).
More than just improved website performance, the Plesk SSL feature on NEO Dedicated Hosting simplifies security protection. Managing a WordPress website is way easier with the inclusive WP Toolkit. This feature enhances various functions from staging environment support to a better protection system for your WordPress website.
With NEO Dedicated Hosting you are equipped with the exclusive
advantages such as free bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, and unlimited sub-domains. Starting from less than $18 a month, you can have a Cloud Server with 2GB RAM, 60 GB Storage, Public IP, and Plesk. Transform your offline to online business swiftly, and improve your website’s exposure with the selection of SEO / SEM toolkit to increase your website traffic significantly.
Biznet Gio’s infrastructure provides a High Availability cloud server that has been integrated with the Plesk control panel to enhance digital business transformation in Indonesia. All Biznet Gio Cloud infrastructure services are exquisitely designed to enhance your website services. With full 24-hour radical support with a fast response under 15 minutes, Biznet Gio ensures the stability and reliability of your services.
You can find more information about the specifications and prices of Biznet Gio Cloud Dedicated Hosting Services through our website at https://plesk.biznetgio.com/dedicated-hosting.
Tingkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi kinerja website bisnis Anda dengan NEO Dedicated Hosting. Dilengkapi dengan control panel Plesk, layanan NEO Dedicated Hosting akan memberikan performa hosting terbaik sekaligus mempermudah pengelolaan server atau VPS (Virtual Private Server).
Selain meningkatkan performa website, fitur SSL Plesk pada NEO Dedicated Hosting juga memberikan proteksi keamanan yang lebih baik pada website bisnis Anda. Mengelola website WordPress di NEO Dedicated Hosting kini jauh lebih mudah dengan WP Toolkit. Fitur ini sudah tersedia lengkap untuk mendukung pengelolaan website WordPress yang lebih cepat mulai dari staging environment hingga proteksi sistem yang lebih aman.
Dengan NEO Dedicated Hosting, Anda mendapatkan berbagai keunggulan seperti bandwidth gratis, unlimited network traffic, unlimited email account serta unlimited sub-domain pada layanan cloud hosting. Mulai dari IDR 270.000 per bulan Anda sudah memiliki Cloud Server 2GB RAM, 60 GB Storage, Public IP, dan Plesk tanpa mahal. Transformasikan bisnis offline Anda menjadi online dengan cepat dan mudah serta memperluas exposure bisnis Anda menggunakan berbagai fitur SEO/SEM toolkit untuk meningkatkan traffic website melalui search engine.
Infrastruktur Biznet Gio menawarkan sistem yang High Availability pada lingkungan cloud server di Indonesia dan telah terintegrasi dengan control panel Plesk untuk mendukung kebutuhan website hosting. Layanan infrastruktur cloud dari Biznet Gio dirancang khusus untuk mempermudah pengelolaan website bisnis Anda. Dengan support selama 24 jam non stop dan respon cepat dibawah 15 menit, Biznet Gio selalu memastikan layanan bisnis Anda bekerja dengan stabil dan aman.
Kunjungi website kami di https://plesk.biznetgio.com/dedicated-hosting untuk menemukan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai spesifikasi dan harga layanan dedicated hosting dari Biznet Gio Cloud.
Get Plesk on Biznet Gio Cloud
NEO Dedicated Hosting – manage cloud server and website easily with the intuitive Plesk control panel.
NEO Dedicated Hosting – Mudah mengelola cloud server dan website hosting di Indonesia dengan Plesk.
About Biznet Gio Cloud
As an Integrated Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia, Biznet Gio Cloud (PT Biznet Gio Nusantara) is providing a wide range of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and cloud consulting services – cloud server starting from a private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, architecture design, implementation, to the daily managed service.
Over the time, Biznet Gio Cloud has been providing cloud computing in Indonesia for most of the primary industry, from enterprise business to startup level. Biznet Gio is committed to providing support for Business Continuity Planning (BCP) across industries with the multi-region Data Center in Indonesia. Biznet Gio Cloud ensures SLA of its service with 99.9% uptime and free unlimited network traffic facility (inbound and outbound). All of our customers are covered by Data Center interconnectivity – to multiple upstream and multiple national and international internet exchange (OpenIXP, IIX, and IX) on their cloud.
For the IT Division, the new technology and platform for system expansion can be challenging while at the same time keeping the business operations running. Equipped with managed services and extensive consulting services, Biznet Gio Cloud is committed to reducing customers’ operational complexity. Providing side-by-side support, empower your IT Division, and dissolve potential hardship during digital transformation.
Biznet Gio is the first Cloud Server Provider in Indonesia. We are complying with the secure management by having PCI-DSS and ISO 27001 certification and soon the SOC Type-2 on board.
Sebagai penyedia layanan infrastruktur cloud terintegrasi, Biznet Gio Cloud (PT Biznet Gio Nusantara) berpengalaman IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service di Indonesia serta cloud consulting dan managed service – mulai dari private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, desain arsitektur, implementasi, hingga managed service.
Hingga saat ini Biznet Gio Cloud telah menyediakan layanan cloud server di Indonesia untuk berbagai industri mulai dari level enterprise hingga startup dan UKM. Layanan cloud server Biznet Gio dirancang khusus untuk mendukung berbagai kebutuhan Business Continuity Planning (BCP) dengan menyediakan fitur multi region Data Center di Indonesia. Biznet Gio Cloud menjamin uptime SLA 99.9% dengan unlimited network traffic tanpa biaya tambahan. Pengguna layanan hosting di Indonesia juga difasilitasi dengan Data Center yang saling terkoneksi dan terhubung ke berbagai upstream dan peering intenet exchange nasional dan internasional seperti OpenIXP, IIX, dan IX.
Bagi divisi IT sebuah perusahaan, beradaptasi dengan teknologi dan platform baru sekaligus memastikan keberlangsungan sistem operasional dapat menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Biznet Gio selalu siap untuk menangani berbagai kendala teknis dan mendorong kinerja tim IT perusahaan seperti pengelolaan infrastruktur cloud server, network, cloud storage, hingga kebutuhan DevOps untuk mempercepat transformasi digital secara produktif.
Sebagai Penyedia layanan cloud computing di Indonesia yang mengedepankan keamanan data, Biznet Gio merupakan penyedia layanan cloud computing pertama di Indonesia yang telah memenuhi standar manajemen keamanan dengan mendapatkan serfifikasi PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, dan segera SOC Type-2.