
WordPress site is not shown as secure even though is opened via HTTPS



The website has mixed content. In other words, even if the website is loaded over HTTPS some of the files for the website are loaded over HTTP.


In case of a WordPress site, WordPress HTTPS add-on can be installed. Although WordPress HTTPS does its best to fix all insecure content, there are a few cases that are impossible to fix. Here are some typical examples.

To identify what is causing the page(s) to be insecure on the website, follow the instructions below:

  1. In a web-browser, open the page, that is having issues.

  2. Open the Developer Tools (F12).

  3. Switch to the Console tab.

    For each item that is making the page partially encrypted, it is required to see an entry in the console similar to “The page at displayed insecure content from” Note that the URL that is loading insecure content is HTTP and not HTTPS.

    Once the insecure elements are identified, review the website code, e.g. figure out what theme or plugin is causing these elements to be loaded.


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