Why is the disk space usage in domains list (Plesk > Domains) different from the size of the document root on the disk?
The web
and database
files are calculated only for the main domain in the subscription.
The mail
and others
are calculated for the individual domains that are found inside/under the subscriptions.
An example how the calculation occurs for domains under a subcription can be seen below:
MariaDB [psa]> SELECT SUM(httpdocs) + SUM(httpsdocs) + SUM(subdomains) + SUM(web_users) + SUM(webapps) AS web
, 0 + SUM(mailboxes) + SUM(maillists) AS mail
, 0 + SUM(dbases) AS databases
, SUM(anonftp) + SUM(logs) + SUM(domaindumps) + SUM(configs) + SUM(chroot) AS other
FROM disk_usage
AS disk_usage
INNER JOIN domains
AS domains
ON = disk_usage.dom_id WHERE (dom_id = '111') or webspace_id = 111;
| web | mail | databases | other |
| 0 | 4096 | 0 | 430080 |
Basically, this means that even though there are web files and database files found in the document root of the domain, these files will not count towards the disk usage of this domain. Instead, these files will count towards the disk usage of the subscription's main domain.