
Why are notifications from Let’s Encrypt received when SSL/TLS support is disabled for domain?


Why are notifications from Let's Encrypt received when SSL/TLS support is disabled at Domains > >Hosting Settings?


Let's Encrypt extension is using delayed notifications.
Even when the SSL/TLS is disabled, the notifications can still be sent for a few days, while they're stored in the "pending" state in the database.

To check the state of notifications in the database follow the next steps:

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Access the Let's Encrypt database:

    # sqlite3 /usr/local/psa/var/modules/sslit/sslit.sqlite3

  3. Run the following command to check last 10 notifications and their state:

    select id,createdDate,state,params from Notification where params like '' order by id desc limit 10;

    Note: replace with the required domain name.

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