
What is /pleskswap file used for on a Plesk server?


What is /pleskswap file for?


The file /pleskswap is created during the installation process in case the server has less than 1Gb of RAM. It is used as swap for the server.

Note: the following instructions apply only during the initial server deployment.

It can be managed in the /etc/pleskswaprc file which overrides default swap settings:

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Create /etc/pleskswaprc if it does not exist:

    # touch /etc/pleskswaprc

  3. Edit file /etc/pleskswaprc with the possible options below:

    # disable plesk swap. the same as creating /etc/pleskswapdisable
    #path to swapfile (e.g. if needed to place swap to another partition)
    #change default swap size
    #required amount of memory. If actual memory+swap size if less than this value then plesk swap will be enabled before installation.

Note: after Plesk installation /pleskswap can be removed manually.

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