
What is license grace period in Plesk?


Plesk shows below warning:

You are currently operating within the grace period of your product license. To update your product license, select the Retrieve Keys option on the License Management page.

What is a grace period of license in Plesk? When does it start and when does it end?


First take a look at Home > Tools & Settings > License Management :

Grace period is a period(10 days) when the Next license key update came, but the license was not yet updated for some reason. Plesk will try to update the license every day via a daily cron task and when the license gets updated the warning will no longer be displayed.

During grace period all Plesk services are working as usual only the warning is displayed.

However, if license update would not complete successfully until the Key expiration date, Plesk services will be stopped and manual license update/re-upload will be required.

If license is not renewed/updated at the specific renewal date, it enters 10-days grace period. After these 10 days have passed, the license gets expired and the Plesk panel is not available anymore. 

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