
What files are created during backup procedure?


What files are created during backup procedure?


Plesk for Linux

In Plesk for Linux, all backup data is stored in the following directory by default:


This location can be customized via /etc/psa/psa.conf file. Use the following command to find the custom path:

# grep DUMP_D /etc/psa/psa.conf
DUMP_D /custom/backup/directory

1. Full server backups

Full server backups are stored in the root of this directory and can contain the following files:

  • General data: This is the most basic backup unit. If a configuration-only backup was created, just one file will be present in the backup directory: backup_info_<timestamp>.xml
  • Extensions: Extension backups are copies of the /usr/local/psa/var/modules/<extension-name> directories and their backup file names look like this: backup_ext_<extension_name>_<timestamp>.tzst
  • Licence key data: backup_key<ID>.sapp_<timestamp>.tzst
  • Daily Plesk database dumps: mysql.daily.dump.<number>.gz. These are created every day independently from Plesk backups, and there can be no more than 8 daily backups at a time
  • Plesk database pre-upgrade dumps:  mysql.preupgrade.<pre-upgrade
    Plesk version>-<post-upgrade Plesk version>.dump.gz
    . These dumps exist only if the Plesk panel has been upgraded in the past

2. Domain-level backups

Domain-level backups are stored in /var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/<domain_name> directory, and their structure is similar to full server backups:

  • General data: This is the most basic backup unit. If a configuration-only domain backup was created, just one file will be present in the backup directory: backup_info_<timestamp>.xml
  • Domain content:backup_user-data<timestamp>.tgz archive contains everything from the domain's document root directory (/var/www/vhosts/<domain_name>/httpdocs/ by default)
  • Database dumps: databases directory
  • Logs: backup_logs_<timestamp>.tgz
  • Apache and Nginx web server configuration: backup_conf_<timestamp>.tgz 
  • Password protected directories configuration: backup_pd<timestamp>.tgz
  • SiteBuilder-related content: backup_sb_site<timestamp>.tgz
  • Web statistics data…
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