
Various actions fail in Plesk: The prefix ‘/var/www/vhosts/system/’ does not exist or is not a directory, FPM initialization failed



The domain was removed incompletely.


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To find and remove redundant files for the affected domain:

  1. Connect to the server via SSH

    Note: in case of the migration, connect to the destination server.

  2. Check if the domain web content files and configuration file exist on the server, if the domain is registered in Plesk database:

    # ls -al /var/www/vhosts/system/

    # httpd -D DUMP_VHOSTS | grep

    # plesk db "select * from domains where name like '%example%'"

  3. If domain web content files do not exist on the server and the domain is not registered in Plesk database, remove its configuration file and restart the affected PHP service:

    # rm /opt/plesk/php/X.X/etc/php-fpm.d/
    # service plesk-phpXX-fpm restart

  4. If the files exist on the server and the domain…

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