
Unable to update Plesk: An error occurred during performing of installation PREP actions. Installation was rolled back



The stuck bootstrapper process prevents the Plesk Installer from processing packages and thus causes the error.


  1. Connect to the server via SSH

  2. Find the bootstrapper process ID number (PID) by viewing the output of the following command:

    # ps auxww | grep bootstrapper

    See below example where the second column is the PID:

    root 5381 0.0 0.0 13800 776 ? S 2021 0:00 /bin/bash -hB /usr/local/psa/bootstrapper/pp18.0.36-bootstrapper/ perform-deferred-actions

  3. Kill bootstrapper processes with the PID number by running the following command (in this example, the process ID is 5381):

    # kill -9 5381

    Note: Replace 5381 it with the exact ID of the bootstrapper process in your case previous step.

  4. Remove the bootstrapper lock file by executing the following command:

    # rm /var/lock/parallels-panel-bootstrapper-running.lock

  5. Run the Plesk installer update process once again by using the information in this article:
    How to update Plesk Obsidian to the latest build?

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