
Unable to remove corrupted messages from mail queue in Plesk



This is Plesk bug with ID  PPPM-8440: "Clear" operation is misleading for corrupt mail queue Postfix. It will be fixed in future Plesk updates.

Postfix does not operate on the corrupted queue by design. Users should look through corrupted messages and either manually fix and re-inject them into Postfix, or remove them from the filesystem. Plesk adheres to the same policy – queue cleanup in Plesk GUI affects only non-corrupted queues.


As a workaround delete corrupted messages manually:

  1. Connect to the server via SSH;

    Note: If direct SSH access to the server is not possible, contact server administrator for further assistance.

  2. Remove all corrupted messages using the command below:

    # rm -fr /var/spool/postfix/corrupt/*

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