
Unable to issue Let’s Encrypt certificate when Let’s Encrypt extension is in standalone mode



SSL It! extension was installed and enabled previously.

The common challenge directory is automatically activated when SSL It! extension is installed. After disabling or uninstalling SSL It!, a common challenge directory is still enabled, but Let's Encrypt is unable to use it in standalone mode.

This is SSL It! extension bug with the ID #EXTSSLIT-867, that will be fixed in the next extension updates.


Until the bug will be fixed, apply one of the solutions below:

Enable SSL It! extension

  1. Log into Plesk.

  2. Go to Extensions > My Extensions > SSL It!.

  3. Press More and then Enabled button:

Disable Common Challenge Directory if SSL It! is disabled

  1. Log into the server via RDP.

  2. Start a command prompt as an Administrator.

  3. Execute the command below to enable SSL It! extension:

    C:> plesk bin extension --enable sslit

  4. Disable Common Challenge Directory:

    C:> plesk ext sslit --common-challenge-dir -disable

  5. Disable SSl It! extension:

    C:> plesk bin extension --disable sslit

Disable Common Challenge Directory if SSL It! is uninstalled

  1. Log into the server via RDP.

  2. Start a command prompt as an Administrator.

  3. Execute the command below to disable Common Challenge Directory:

    C:> plesk sbin websrvmng --remove-global-rewrite-rule --name=acme-challenge

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