Unable to upgrade Plesk with the following error message:
Migration failed: 18.0.31/2020-09-28-06-53-58_add_unique_guid_to_domains.php
Query failed: ALTER TABLE `domains` ADD UNIQUE KEY `guid` (`guid` ASC)
Duplicate entry '3ebe939b-c58c-4a56-a3e4-98750d90b157' for key 'guid'
ERROR: Duplicate guid were found in the 'domains' table:
3ebe939b-c58c-4a56-a3e4-98750d90b157 - In an attempt to create a domain alias in Plesk > Domains > Add domain Alias, the process fails with the error below:
No matches found
Database inconsistency, several domains have the same GUID.
Log into the server via SSH.
Create a backup for Plesk database:
# plesk db dump psa > psa.backup`date +%F-%s`.sql
Run the command below to fix the database inconsistency with the duplicated domain GUID:
# plesk db -Ne "SELECT guid, count(guid) FROM domains GROUP BY guid HAVING COUNT(guid) > 1" | while read G C; do echo "> DUPLICATED GUID: $G"; for ((i=0;i<(C-1);i++)); do plesk db -Ne "SELECT id, name FROM domains WHERE guid = '$G' limit 1" | while read I D; do plesk db -Ne "UPDATE domains SET guid = UUID() WHERE id = '$I'"; echo "- FIXED: $D"; done; done; done; echo "> COMPLETED"