One only English language is available in Plesk interface in spite of purchased additional language pack.
The following can be found in
[2020-05-07 21:03:30.276281] Registering locales...
[2020-05-07 21:03:30.824719] Package action: Execute, package: plesk-l10n, exec time: 0 sec. desc: "program='[PLESK_INSTALLDIR]adminenginephp.exe'," "command-line='C:Program Files (x86)Pleskadminplibscriptsadd-locales.php'," "working-dir=''," "context=''," "arch=''", output='~empty'
[2020-05-07 21:03:30.824719] C:Program Files (x86)Pleskadminenginephp.exe "C:Program Files (x86)Pleskadminplibscriptsadd-locales.php" failed with error 255(0x000000ff). Output:
Sub-action 'Execute' failed with error code: 255(0x000000ff)
Installed locales are not properly registered.
Connect to the server via RDP
Launch locale installer in command line to register these:
C:> plesk php "C:Program Files (x86)Pleskadminplibscriptsadd-locales.php"