
Some of the actions in Plesk fail with error: XML parsing error: 0xC00CEE04

Applicable to:

  • Plesk for Windows



There is a corrupted webspace security index file for a Plesk domain and it is causing issues in relation to Plesk, due to which it needs to be recreated.


1. Connect to the server via RDP

2. Run Command Prompt as Administrator

3. Run the following command in the Windows Command Prompt to rename the .Security file that appears in the error message:

C:> ren "" .Security.old

4. Trigger recreation and permissions adjustment of the affected file for the Plesk Subscription by executing this command:

C:> "%plesk_cli%repair.exe" --repair-webspace-security -webspace-name

This process will recreated the corrupted file and the error will not be present any longer.

Additional information

Plesk Repair Utility | Plesk Obsidian documentation

Plesk for Windows services logs and configuration files

Troubleshooting | Plesk Obsidian documentation

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