
RoundCube webmail is not accessible on Plesk: DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED



MySQL roundcube user is either absent or has an invalid password or has not sufficient permissions.


Using Plesk interface

  1. Log into Plesk.

  2. Go to Tools & Settings > Updates.

  3. Remove the component Roundcube and then install it again.

Using SSH connection

Note: The solution may be a bit complex. Contact server's administrator or hosting support if required.

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Create Plesk database backup, for example:

    # plesk db dump > backup.sql

  3. Depending on the RoundCube version, check the database password in /usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/ or /usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/

    # cat /usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/
    $config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysqli://roundcube:password@localhost/roundcubemail';

  4. Copy the password;

  5. Enter Plesk database:

    # plesk db

  6. Make sure that 'roundcubemail' database exists:

    mysql> show databases like "%roundcube%";
    | Database (%roundcube%) |
    | roundcubemail |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    If the database is missing, go back to the first solution via Plesk user interface and reinstall (remove/install) RoundCube component. If the database is present continue this guide.

  7. Check whether the roundcube user is present. Empty output means that the user is absent:

    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> select * from user where user='roundcube';

  8. Create user and assign a password:

    Note: If the user exists already, it is only needed to generate the password. There is no need for the CREATE USER sentence

    For MySQL 5.0/5.1/5.5/5.6 and MariaDB 10.1

    mysql> CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost';
    mysql> update user set password=password('<>') where user ='roundcube';

    For MySQL 5.7

    mysql> CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost';
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'roundcube'@'localhost' = '<>';

    For MariaDB 10.5+

    MariaDB [mysql]> CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost';
    MariaDB [mysql]> SET PASSWORD FOR 'roundcube'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('<>');

  9. Grant the necessary privileges:

    mysql> GRANT USAGE ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
    mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
    mysql> flush privileges;

    Note: if "Can't find any matching row in the user table" error appears when running Grant command, use command without the host:

    mysql> GRANT USAGE ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube';
    mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube';
    mysql> flush privileges;

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