Plesk update/upgrade fails with the following error message:
Installing packages
Upgrading Microsoft IIS Compression...
Failed to install 'C:ProgramDataPleskInstallercachepoolreleasePLESK-WIN_18.0.48_10183thirdparty-windows-x86_64iiscompression_amd64_1.0.6502.msi': Fatal error during installation. (Error code 1603)
Sub-action 'InstallMsiPackage' failed with error code: 1603(0x00000643)
Launching component and product checkers...
Downloading file pool/release/PLESK-WIN_18.0.48_10183/reportupdate.exe: 0%
Downloading file pool/release/PLESK-WIN_18.0.48_10183/reportupdate.exe: 100% was finished.
ERROR: The installation of the package 'iiscompression' failed with code 1603. (upgrade: Upgrading Microsoft IIS Compression...)
Not all packages were installed.
Visit to search for a solution.
exit status 1
The cause is not clear. Most likely IIS service is holding the IIS Compression and preventing it from being uninstalled/reinstalled.
Connect to the server via RDP
Stop IIS service:
Warning: Plesk and websites will be offline while IIS is stopped.
C:> iisreset /stop
Manually install the package using the directory from the error message, e.g.
Start IIS service:
C:> iisreset /start