
Plesk backup task finishes with the warning: Cannot stat: Permission denied



Incorrect file or directory permissions for virtual host directories located at /var/www/vhosts/


  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Correct the file permissions:

    # plesk repair fs

  3. If the command from the 2nd step does not help, restore default ownership and permissions for /var/www/vhosts/

    In the case of one affected domain, the permissions can be restored following the steps on this article: How to restore default permissions in the virtual host directory on Linux?

    Note: In case more than one domain is affected, fix the permissions issue for all affected domains. In this case, the following can be performed:

    # plesk db -Ne "select login,home from sys_users where mapped_to is null" | while read login home; do chown -R $login $home; done

Additional information

Backup task has finished with a warning: Cannot open: File exists /bin/tar

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