- The Tools & Settings > Backup manager screen in Plesk takes too much time to load
- The page loads after a while (few minutes) and displays the list of the backups correctly.
- The read disk speed is low and inconsistent:
# iotop
Total DISK READ : 99.91 K/s | Total DISK WRITE : 9.24 M/s
Actual DISK READ: 99.91 K/s | Actual DISK WRITE: 9.21 M/s
There are a lot of backups, and it takes a long time to download a complete list.
The process responsible for the page parsing takes too long:
# watch -n1 'ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args --no-headers| sort -t. -nk1,2 -k4,4 -r | head -n 10'
101 1234567 root /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pmm-ras --get-dump-list --dump-storage=/var/lib/psa/dumps/ --type=server --guid=f53
# strace -vvvttTfs4096 -e file -p 1234567
This behavior has been confirmed as a bug with ID PPPM-13263
Until the bug is fixed, the following workarounds can be used:
- Increase the hard disk speed (upgrade your hardware).
- Remove old backups or move them to another location in order to speed up page loading on the current hardware.