
New Public IP address in Plesk is not updated on DNS zones on slave DNS server(s)



Bug in the Slave DNS Manager extension with ID EXTPLESK-929, which will be fixed in future product updates.


As a workaround, remove the DNS zone files on the slave DNS server and manually disable and re-enable the DNS for the domains at Plesk to recreate the zone files with the new public IP address.


  1. Connect to the Plesk (Master) server via SSH

  2. Run the following command to show a list of all domains and copy its output:

    # plesk bin domain --list > /pleskdomains.txt

  3. Connect to the Slave DNS server on another SSH session

  4. Replace the old IP ( with the new one ( at /var/named/3bf305731dd26307.nzf:

    # sed -i -e 's/''/''/g' /var/named/3bf305731dd26307.nzf

  5. Take the output copied from step #2 and paste into it:

    # cat /pleskdomains.txt

  6. Run the following commands to remove the zone files of Plesk domains from the slave DNS server:

    # for i in $(cat /pleskdomains.txt); do rm -f /var/named/$i ; done

  7. Restart DNS service on slave DNS server:

    # systemctl restart named

    Note: Repeat steps 3-7 on each of connected slave DNS servers.

  8. Return to SSH console of Plesk (Master)

  9. Turn on/off DNS service for each domain:

    # for i in $(cat /pleskdomains.txt); do plesk bin dns --off $i; plesk bin dns --on $i; done


  1. Connect to the Slave DNS server via SSH.

  2. Delete information about zone

    # rndc delzone -clean

  3. Check that the information about zone was removed. The command should return empty output:

    # named-nzd2nzf /var/cache/bind/_default.nzd | grep

  4. Log in to Plesk and sync DNS zones under Extensions > My Extensions > Slave DNS Manager > Resync.

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