
Mixed-case domains do not work on PHP-FPM by Apache: 503 service unavailable



Apache's bug PR 57968, and identified as bug #PPP-31339 that is fixed in Plesk Obsidian no matter what Apache version is used.


Upgrade to the latest Plesk version, as the upgrade will fix the issue for all newly created domains.

To fix the issue for all already existing domains after the upgrade, use the following workaround:

  1. Log in to Plesk
  2. Rename the affected domain temporarily in order to re-generate the correct ASCII naming:

    Domains > Example.Com > Hosting Settings : rename a domain to any other name, for example, newExample.Com

    Note: Do not try to rename it to lower case, as it will not be allowed showing the message: "This domain name already exists."

    Domains > newExample.Com > Hosting Settings : Rename the domain back to the correct name, for example back to Example.Com

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