Menus in Plesk are not opening with the error message:
Unable to exec utility listmng: file does not exist or is not executable: /opt/psa/admin/bin/listmng
Server Error
500 TypeError
s is undefined -
In some cases, the error message above is displayed on the Home page in Plesk.
The system has been upgraded to Ubuntu 22 or Debian 11.
Mailman mailing list is no longer shipped by Plesk for Ubuntu 22.04 and Debian 11.
During the OS upgrade, this package has not been removed causing conflict in Plesk operations.
Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.
Remove the mailman package:
# apt remove mailman
Reconfigure the server-wide configuration:
# plesk repair web -server
If after applying the steps above the pages in Plesk are still not accessible, reinstall the plesk-mail-pc-driver
Get Plesk version and OS release:
# plesk -v
Go to and to get a link for your Plesk version and OS release: > PSA_<version> > dist_<operating_system> > opt > maildrivers > right-click on
> click "Copy link address"Below is an example for Plesk Obsidian 18.0.47 on Ubuntu 22.04: > PSA_18.0.47 > dist-deb-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64 > opt > maildrivers > plesk-mail-pc-driver_18.0-v.ubuntu.22.04+p18.0.47.5+t221020.0801_amd64.deb
Download the file to the Plesk server:
# wget
Remove the broken plesk-mail-pc-driver package:
# dpkg -P --force-all plesk-mail-pc-driver
Install the downloaded package:
# dpkg -i 'plesk-mail-pc-driver_18.0-v.ubuntu.22.04+p18.0.47.5+t221020.0801_amd64.deb'
Reconfigure the server-wide configuration:
# plesk repair web -server