Mail usage for the mailbox does not appear to be correct at the Plesk > Domains > Mail > Mail Accounts page.
The correct mail usage is shown when the mailbox is viewed through any webmail or email client.
The Daily Maintenance task that is responsible for the calculation of the mail usage has not been executed today, due to which the information about the mail usage has not been updated today.
Wait until the next Daily Maintenance script execution time is reached or recalculate the mail usage manually:
Go to the Domains > > Mail > Mail Accounts page and press the
button that is next to the Usage column:
Log into the server via SSH
Run the following command to update mail usage:
For one domain:
Note: Replace domain in the command below with your domain
# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics --calculate-one
For all domains:
# /usr/local/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php -f MailUsage
Log into the server via RDP
Open the Command Prompt
Run the following command to update mail usage:
For one domain:
Note: Replace domain in the command below with your domain
C:> "%plesk_bin%/statistics.exe" --calculate-one
For all domains:
C:> "%plesk_bin%php.exe" -dauto_prepend_file= "%plesk_dir%adminplibDailyMaintainancetask-script.php" -f MailUsage