Domain's backup at Domains > > Backup Manager can not be removed with the warning message below:
The backup cannot be removed because it is a part of a server, reseller, or customer backup.
Corresponding server-wide backup is absent but domain's backup
file exists. For example:%plesk_dir%Backupdomainsexample.combackup_info_2101091822.xml
Failure during backup removal process.
Connect to the server via RDP.
Open command prompt and navigate to backup location:
cd %plesk_dir%Backup
Find all files that are related to the backup:
dir /b/s *2101091822* > C:backup_leftovers.txt
Switch to PowerShell and remove the files:
Get-Content C:backup_leftovers.txt | Remove-Item
Solution for Plesk on Linux
Connect to the server via SSH.
Remove the corresponding backup file:
# find /var/lib/psa/dumps/ -type f -iname *2101091822* -exec rm {} ;