
 How to synchronize locked subscriptions with their service plans


A subscription is flagged with a blue lock saying:

The subscription is locked for synchronization: It is excluded from syncing with the service plan because the subscription parameters were customized.

How to synchronize locked subscriptions with their service plans?



Synchronizing a subscription with its service plan via Plesk


  1. Log in to Plesk.

  2. Go to Subscriptions >

  3. Click Unlock & Sync in the Account section on the right.

    Note: If the Account section is hidden, click on the button in the upper right corner.

    Click on the picture to enlarge
    Domain Dashboard


Synchronizing all subscriptions via a command-line interface


  • In Plesk for Linux

    1. Connect to a Plesk server via SSH.

    2. Create a list with all locked subscriptions:

      # plesk db -sNe "select name from domains d INNER JOIN Subscriptions s ON where d.webspace_id=0 AND s.object_type='domain' AND s.locked='true'" > /root/locked_subscriptions.txt

    3. Unlock subscriptions from the generated list:

      # for domain in `cat /root/locked_subscriptions.txt`; do /usr/local/psa/bin/subscription --unlock-subscription $domain; done

    4. Synchronize these subscriptions with their service plans:

      # for domain in `cat /root/locked_subscriptions.txt`; do /usr/local/psa/bin/subscription --sync-subscription $domain; done

    5. (Optional) Check that no unsynced subscriptions left. The following command should return empty output:

      # plesk db -sNe "select name from domains d INNER JOIN Subscriptions s ON where d.webspace_id=0 AND s.object_type='domain' AND s.synchronized='false'"


  • In Plesk for Windows Server
    1. Connect to the Plesk server via RDP.

    2. Start a command prompt as an Administrator.

    3. Create a list with all locked subscriptions:

      C:> plesk db -sNe "select name from domains d INNER JOIN Subscriptions s ON where d.webspace_id=0 AND s.object_type='domain' AND s.locked='true'" > locked_subscriptions.txt

    4. Unlock and synchronize subscriptions from the generated list:

      C:> for /f %i in (locked_subscriptions.txt) do plesk bin subscription --unlock-subscription %i & for /f %i in (locked_subscriptions.txt) do plesk bin subscription --sync-subscription %i

    5. (Optional) Check that no unsynced subscriptions left. The following command should return empty output:

      C:> plesk db -sNe "select name from domains d INNER JOIN Subscriptions s ON where d.webspace_id=0 AND s.object_type='domain' AND s.synchronized='false'"


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