Two servers are using the same remote SQL servers. On performing a migration using Plesk Migrator databases should not be migrated but assimilated, so the database will remain in the same remote SQL server.
How to retain databases during Plesk migration when both servers share the same remote database server?
In order for databases to retain on the remote SQL / to be assimilated, perform the following steps:
- Before migrating subscription(s) configure the remote SQL server on both, source and target Plesk server with the same value of Host name at Tools & Settings > Database Servers
- Verify that value None or the desired remote SQL server is configured as default database server in Service Plans > service_plan_name > Hosting Parameters > Default Database Servers
- If Service Plans > service_plan_name > Hosting Parameters > Default Database Servers show value None make sure the desired remote SQL server shows Yes for default SQL server in Tools & Settings > Database Servers > Host name > Settings > Use this server as default for MySQL/MSSQL/PostgreSQL
- No other remote SQL server than the remote SQL in question must be present on the remote and target server