How to provide Plesk Support with server access?
Install the Support SSH Access extension from the Extensions menu.
Go to Tools & Settings > Plesk Support SSH Access (under Assistance and Troubleshooting).
Specify the expiration date for SSH access (by default, the access is granted for 5 days) and click OK.
Click Copy access credentials and send the access details to a Plesk Support representative in a ticket/chat:
Connect to a Plesk server via SSH.
Install the Support SSH Access extension:
# plesk bin extension --install support-access
The extension was successfully installed.
Note: If the command above fails, see If Support SSH Access is not available below.
Generate the SSH access that will be valid for the next 5 days:
# plesk ext support-access provide -user plesk_support -date $(date -d '+5 days' '+%F')
Send the access details to a Plesk Support representative in a ticket/chat.
To revoke the SSH access manually, run:
# plesk ext support-access revoke
If Support SSH Access is not available:
Run the following command to activate the SSH access using the Plesk SSH Support Key:
# sh <(curl || wget -O -
To remove the Plesk SSH Support Key, run:
# sed -i '/[email protected]/d' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Create a rule in Windows Firewall that will allow connections to your Windows Server from Plesk Support IP addresses:
Connect to a Plesk server via RDP.
Start Windows PowerShell and run the following command:
PS New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Plesk Support Access" -RemoteAddress @("", "", "", "", "2001:678:744::/64") -Direction Inbound -Action Allow
Log in to the Plesk Help Center and send server access details in your ticket/chat.
Note: Plesk Help Center uses HTTPS connection to prevent the interception of the data. Once the access to the server is verified by a Plesk Support representative, the server access details are removed from the ticket and put in the "Server(s) credentials" field. This field gets cleared when the ticket goes into the "closed" status.
Connect to a server via SSH.
Run the following command to activate the SSH access using the Plesk SSH Support Key:
# sh <(curl || wget -O -
To remove the Plesk SSH Support Key, run:
# sed -i '/[email protected]/d' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Note: If an intermediate firewall is used (such as Google Cloud Platform Firewall), the rules should also be added there. For more information, refer to the product documentation.
Plesk Support uses the following IP address ranges to connect to Plesk servers:
- 2001:678:744::/64