
How to notify Plesk customers when mailbox quota exceeded?


How to notify Plesk customers when mailbox quota exceeded? 


In Plesk Obsidian on Linux it is possible to enable warnings to mail users who approach their mailbox quota limit.

The notification is enabled by default on new and upgraded servers, and can be managed on Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings

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It is also possible to manage it over CLI

# plesk bin mailserver --quota-warning-enable <true|false>

Note: Use the parameter --help for additional information in CLI utility

The mail quota notification is sent under the following conditions:

Note: The threshold (95% of the mailbox size) cannot be changed.

Changing notification's text is possible on Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings > Customize the default mailbox quota warning.

Quota and mailbox size are displayed in webmail interfaces (both Roundcube and Horde):

Note: This feature is not available on Windows.

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