
 How to install Plesk for Windows?


How to install Plesk for Windows?


For Plesk installation, a fresh Windows Server machine is required meeting the Plesk Software Requirements and with Internet access. You can create it on your own or purchase it from any Hosting Provider.

Note: Refer to our Knowledge Base for assistance in resolving errors that may appear during the installation process. Also, the following ports should be opened for Plesk to function correctly. Additional information can be found in the Plesk Documentation.

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Plesk Installation via browser Plesk Installer

  1. Connect to the Windows Server via RDP

  2. Download and run the Plesk Installer ( plesk-installer.exe ) on the server.

  3. A browser window will be opened with an authorization form requesting the Administrator's credentials. Ports 8443 and 8447 should be opened to run the installer.

  4. In the browser window, choose Install or Upgrade Product, specify the necessary parameters and the components that are about to be installed, and follow the on-screen instructions.

  5. Once the Plesk installation is finished, the access to Plesk is possible via URL https://<ip_address_or_hostname>:8443 or https://localhost:8443 (From the server itself).

  6. Proceed with the first initialization by providing a new password for Plesk 'admin' user, choosing the Plesk license type and other details.

Note: it is possible to select drive for installation:

Plesk One-Click Installation

  1. Connect to the Windows Server via RDP

  2. Start a command prompt as Administrator

  3. Run PowerShell:

    C:> powershell

  4. Download Plesk Installer:

    PS C:> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest -URI -OutFile plesk-installer.exe

  5. Install Plesk with the following command:

    PS C:> .plesk-installer.exe --select-product-id=panel --select-release-latest --installation-type=recommended

Plesk Unattended Installation

Note: More examples can be found in Plesk Installation and Upgrade Guide - Installing Plesk for Windows in Unattended Mode

  1. Connect to the Windows Server via RDP

  2. Start a command prompt as Administrator

  3. Run PowerShell:

    C:> powershell

  4. Download Plesk Installer:

    PS C:> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-WebRequest -URI -OutFile plesk-installer.exe

  5. List all available releases:

    PS C:> .plesk-installer.exe --show-all-releases

  6. List all available components for the required Plesk release. For example:

    PS C:> .plesk-installer.exe --console --select-release-id PANEL_18_0_24_WIN --show-components --show-options

  7. Use the option --install-component and specify all required components. For example:

    PS C:> .plesk-installer.exe --select-release-id PANEL_18_0_24_WIN --install-component panel --install-component common --install-component mailenable --install-component dns

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