
How to export a website database in Plesk?



  1. Log into Plesk
  2. Go to Domains > > Databases to view a list of all databases.
  3. Look for the website database name in the list.

    Note: If you or someone else has tagged the database with its matching domain, it will say: "Related to: " and then show the domain beside it.

  4. Once you've identified the correct database, press the "Export Dump" button
  5. You may save your database dump to the root directory, as is selected by default, or you can change the directory.

    Note: If you decide to change the dump directory, avoid saving your export to a web-accessible directory like httpdocs, because that will generate a security risk.

  6. You can leave "Automatically download dump after creation" unchecked if you are planning to re-import the database in the future (this is done by using the "Import Dump" button).

    Note: If you prefer to have a local copy, leave the "Automatically download dump after creation" check box and have it downloaded to your computer.

  7. When this process is complete, you will have a dump of your database saved in the selected server storage location

Additional information

Exporting and Importing Database Dumps | Plesk Obsidian documentation

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