
How to enable “Keep secured” option for automatic SSL certificates updates from the CLI?


How to enable "Keep secured" option for automatic SSL certificates updates from the CLI?

How to enable "Keep secured" option for all subscriptions?


  1. Connect to the server via SSH

For a domain

Issue the following command:

# plesk bin subscription --add-custom-plan-item -custom-plan-item-name "urn:ext:sslit:plan-item-sdk:keep-secured"

Note: replace "example.xom" with the desired domain name.

For all subscriptions

Issue the following command:

# plesk bin subscription --list | while read subs; do plesk bin subscription --add-custom-plan-item $subs -custom-plan-item-name "urn:ext:sslit:plan-item-sdk:keep-secured"; done

For a service plan

Issue the following command:

# plesk bin service_plan --add-custom-plan-item "ExamplePlan" -custom-plan-item-name "urn:ext:sslit:plan-item-sdk:keep-secured"

Note: replace "ExamplePlan" with the desired service plan name.

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