It is needed to enable/disable notifications about SSL It!/Let's Encrypt certificate renewal.
How can it be done?
# To disable it via Plesk interface:
- Go to Tools & Settings > Notifications:
SSL It! certificates auto-renewal failure (customer's digest)
SSL It! certificates auto-renewal success (customer's digest)
# To disable it via CLI
For a Linux server
Connect to the server via SSH.
Execute the following command:
For Plesk Onyx:
# plesk bin notification --update -id ext-letsencrypt-notification-certificateAutoRenewalSucceed -send2admin false -send2reseller false -send2client false -send2email false
Note: In case the extension SSL It! is enabled, run the same command with the id/code
as well.For Plesk Obsidian:
# plesk bin notification --update -code ext-sslit-notification-certificateAutoRenewalSucceed -send2admin false -send2reseller false -send2client false -send2email false
For a Windows server
Connect to the server via RDP
Execute the following command:
For Plesk Onyx:
# plesk bin notification --update -id ext-letsencrypt-notification-certificateAutoRenewalSucceed -send2admin false -send2reseller false -send2client false -send2email false
Note: In case the extension SSL It! is enabled, run the same command with the id/code
as well.For Plesk Obsidian:
# plesk bin notification --update -code ext-sslit-notification-certificateAutoRenewalSucceed -send2admin false -send2reseller false -send2client false -send2email false