
How to create TLSA DNS record in Plesk and adjust DANE?


How to create TLSA DNS record in Plesk and adjust DANE?


  1. Create domain in Plesk.
  2. Issue a Let's Encrypt certificate for this domain.
  3. Log into the server via SSH.
  4. Install hash-slinger package with the command:

    # yum install hash-slinger

  5. Find name of the certificate file for domain using a command below:

    # plesk db "select cert_file from certificates where name like ''"
    | cert_file |
    | scfygh0Pw |

  6. Switch to the /usr/local/psa/var/certificates/ directory:

    # cd /usr/local/psa/var/certificates/

  7. Using the name of the certificate file from the step №5 and the next command, generated TLSA record for on port 25:

    # tlsa --create --selector 1 -p25 --certificate scfygh0Pw

    The output was the following: IN TLSA 3 1 1 f8bda51d176a1d315eeec8a53c52febedf43319bf7c7ebbccafa9e14d9616541

  8. Go to Plesk > Domains > > Hosting & DNS > DNS.
  9. Press the Add Record and using the values from the step №7, created a TLSA record for
  10. After install Plesk DNSSEC extension by pressing Get It Free button in Plesk > Extensions > Extensions Catalog > Categories > DNS.
  11. Enable DNSSEC for domain by pressing the Sign the DNS Zone button in Domains > > Hosting & DNS > DNSSEC.

    Note: Algorithm was chosen as RSASHA256

To verify the results, open, specified an press the Inspect button
As the result it shows the configured TLSA DNS record and reported that DANE is properly configured for

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