
How to create a Plesk XML API access token and how to use it for XML API passwordless authentication?


How to create a Plesk XML API access token and how to use it for XML API passwordless authentication?


A secret key can be obtained from Plesk via XML API or from CLI and then it can be used for passwordless authentication instead of the username and password.

To create a secret key for the Plesk administrator account:

  1. Connect to the server via SSH

  2. Specify the IP address and description that will be linked to this secret key and its description:

    # plesk bin secret_key -c -ip-address -description "Admin access token"

    Note: you may specify a few Ip addresses devided by comma.

  3. Afterward, the Plesk secret key can be used placing it on the HTTP header request with the KEY parameter:

    Note: Where 778a476a-cf1c-7434-ea47-9f229d70e934 is the admin access token, the api.rpc is a file containing the XML request and is the Plesk server IP address

    # curl -kLi -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "KEY: 778a476a-cf1c-7434-ea47-9f229d70e934" -H "HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT: TRUE" -d @api.rpc


In case it's necessary to create a Plesk XML API access token for another Plesk user:

  1. Create a secret key for the Plesk administrator account by following the steps described above

  2. Create the file api.rpc with the following content:

    Note: Where is the IP allowed for the connection and the login jdoe is the Plesk user


  3. Send the API request:

    Note: Where 778a476a-cf1c-7434-ea47-9f229d70e934 is the admin access token, the api.rpc is a file containing the XML request created on the previous step and is the Plesk server IP address

    # curl -kLi -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "KEY: 778a476a-cf1c-7434-ea47-9f229d70e934" -H "HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT: TRUE" -d @api.rpc

    The API response will provide the access token belonging to the Plesk user:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <packet version="">

  4. Afterward, the secret key belonging to the Plesk user can be used for Plesk XML API requests:

    Note: Where e4b01d73-7368-64a6-0515-9fa8fc1d3a78 is the Plesk user access token, the api.rpc is a file containing the XML request and is the Plesk server IP address

    # curl -kLi -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "KEY: e4b01d73-7368-64a6-0515-9fa8fc1d3a78" -H…

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