How to configure varnish cache for a domain in Plesk?
This can be achieved in two ways - with a local Varnish server, or with Docker container.
1. Initial docker preparation and configuring varnish for a static page
Navigate to Docker in Plesk, find and the official varnish image in the catalog, click
and select the stable(6.6.2) version to run a varnish containre:
Setup Manual Mapping for the docker container. At Docker > varnish > Settings uncheck the "Automatic Port Mapping" function and apply the following manual mappings:
80 -> 32780
8443 -> 32781 (we're not going to use this one) -
Disable the "Permanent SEO-safe 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS" option on the domain at Domains > > Hosting Settings
Create a Docker Proxy Rule on the domain at Domains > > Docker Proxy Rules:
Container: varnish
Port: 80 -> 32780 -
Permit connections to the apache2 port 7080 from the docker subnet via iptables:
6.1 Connect to the server via SSH
6.2 Apply the rule using the next command:# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7080 -s -j ACCEPT
Note: The rule added via command line would be reset on the system reboot, or after applying a custom firewall script/configuration. In order to make it persistent, rather include it in your iptables configuration, or consider scheduling a server-wide cron task.
In case there is a Plesk Firewall extension in use, navigate to Tools & Settings > Security(Firewall) > Add Custom Rule:
7.1 Once the rule is saved, click the "Apply Changes" and "Activate" buttons.Note: make sure the docker container was restarted once the Firewall Rules were applied via extension.
7.2 (Optional) if Fail2ban is used, add the docker network to a trusted list.
Navigate to Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Trusted IP Addresses and click Add trusted IP: -
Using the next two commands, adjust the Varnish configuration file to use the IP and port of the apache2:
Warning: The domain's IP address should be specified instead of, otherwise you will break the docker container. Also, if the container's name was changed from "varnish" to a custom one, don't forget to adjust it within the commands below:
# docker ps | grep varnish | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -i docker exec -t {} sed -i '/.port/c .port = "7080";' /etc/varnish/default.vcl
# docker ps | grep varnish | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -i docker exec -t {} sed -i '/.host/c .host = "";' /etc/varnish/default.vcl
Restart the varnish container:
# docker ps | grep varnish | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -i docker restart {}
Starting with Plesk 18.0.56 apache2 now listening on localhost. To make docker container able to fetch data from, it is needed to change the apache2 bindings via the next command:
Warning: The operation will take time depending on the server performance and number of domains. Downtime for domains while the operation is performed is expected.
# plesk bin apache --listen-on-localhost false
Open the website via browser and check the headers of the page…