How to configure an additional way to get notifications from 360 Monitoring?
- Go to 360 Monitoring > Alerts > Contacts
- Edit an existing contact (or add a new one) by specifying the necessary channels for alerts.
Below are the most popular channels setup:
Microsoft Teams
Google Chat
- Create an Incoming Webhook by creating a Slack app and activating Incoming Webhooks for it.
- Copy the Webhook URL and Channel options from the created Slack app settings and put it in Slack Webhook and Slack Channel options for the required contact.
Note: it is mandatory to specify Slack Channel option for a contact within 360 Monitoring. In case there is no channel setup for your Slack app, then please specify #general
- Create a Telegram bot where you plan to receive notifications from 360 Monitoring.
- Copy your Telegram bot token from the Telegram BotFather bot and put it in Telegram Bot Token field for the required contact.
- Obtain your telegram user ID and put in Telegram User ID field for the same contact.
- Create a Discord server and decide which channel will be used for notifications from 360 Monitoring.
- Create a Webhook by right clicking on the decided channel > Channel Settings > Integrations > Webhooks > New Webhook.
- Click on the added webhook, copy the webhook URL and put it in Discord field for the required contact.
Note: this Discord documentation can be used as a reference
Warning: there is a known bug with ID CPCLOUD-2661 that does not allow using Append message option to mention exact Discord users.
Create an Incoming Webhook and put its URL in Google Chat Webhook URL field for the required contact.