How to check disk usage for a domain/subscription/client?
Click on the corresponding section for the steps:
For Web Admin Edition
To get the information about the webspace disk usage log into Plesk > go to Statistics >
Note: In Plesk, It is not possible to get the information about disk usage for non-main domains,e.g. subdomain or domain, which is under the webspace of According to the official documentation article, the disk space occupied by the content of subdomains and additional domains is included in the value of disk space usage calculated for the main domain.
To get the information about disk usage for a non-main domain, perform the following actions:
1.Connect to the server via SSH;
2.Calculate disk usage for the required domain/subdomain:# plesk db " SELECT round(SUM(real_size)/1024/1024,2) as 'Disk Usage (MB)' FROM domains d WHERE id FROM domains WHERE name='');"
# plesk db " SELECT round(SUM(real_size)/1024/1024,2) as 'Disk Usage (MB)' FROM domains d WHERE id FROM domains WHERE name='');"
# plesk db " SELECT round(SUM(real_size)/1024/1024,2) as 'Disk Usage (MB)' FROM domains d WHERE id FROM domains WHERE name='');"
Note: subscriptions do not appear in Web Admin Edition
For Web Pro Edition and Web Host Edition
To get the information about disk usage for a separate subscription log into Plesk > Subscription > > Websites & Domains > View More Statistics
To get the information about disk usage for a separate domain log into Plesk > Domains and use the search option and search for domain:
To have the same results as above but from SSH, run the following command, replacing '' with the actual domains name:
# plesk db "SELECT round(SUM(real_size)/1024/1024,2) as 'Disk Usage (MB)' FROM domains d WHERE = '';"
To know the Disk Usage from all domains from a client log into Plesk go to Tools & Settings > Summary Report > Full Report > refer to the Customers section.
To have the same results as above but from SSH, run the following command, replacing 'jdoe' with the actual client's name:
# plesk db "SELECT round(SUM(real_size)/1024/1024,2) as 'Disk Usage (MB)' FROM domains d WHERE d.cl_id=(SELECT id FROM clients WHERE login='jdoe');"