How to change the expiration date for a subscription in Plesk?
Note: Service Provider view has to be enabled in order to manage subscriptions. If you do not have Service Provider view, check the solution for Web Admin edition below.
Go to Subscriptions > > click on upper-right icon
to expand the right sidebar
In the Account section of the right sidebar, press Customize.
Press on the Resources tab and set the Expiration date as necessary
Press Update & Lock (or Apply, if the Subscription is already Locked). The Subscription will be locked from further changes in its Service plan.
Note: To change the expiration date for all Subscriptions under a Service plan, go to Service Plans > plan_name > Resources.
Connect to the server via SSH (Linux) / RDP (Windows Server).
Use the
utility to update expiration date:# plesk bin service_plan -u "Admin Simple" -expiration 1Y
utility does not allow to set the particular expiration date.Note: The expiration date will be updated for all domains.