
How to change maximum attachment size in webmail shipped with Plesk Premium Email?


How to change maximum attachment size in webmail shipped with Plesk Premium Email?


Note: The solution can be applied only by the administrator of the Plesk server. If you do not have administrative access to the server, please contact the hosting provider or administrator of the server.

  1. Connect to the server using SSH.

  2. Open the file /etc/roundcubemail/php.ini for editing.

  3. Increase the value of PHP parameters upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to desired values and save the changes, for example:

    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    post_max_size = 64M

  4. If a value of more than 75M is set in the previous step, then it is also required to increase the message size in Roundcube:

    • Open the file /etc/roundcubemail/ for editing.

    • Add the following line to it and save the changes, for example:

      $config['max_message_size'] = '133M';

      Note: The real value must be 133% of the value set in step 3 - for example, if 100M was set there, then 133M must be set here.

  5. Reload Apache to apply the changes:

    • On CentOS/RHEL/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux:

      # service httpd reload

    • On Debian and Ubuntu:

      # service apache2 reload

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