
How to allow/forbid customers/resellers edit PHP settings in Plesk


How to allow/forbid customers/resellers to edit PHP settings in Plesk?


The following permissions allow customers/resellers to customize PHP settings in their control panel:

Note: They can be enabled on the subscription and/or service plan level.

Find a suitable solution below.

For all subscriptions under a service plan (customers/resellers)

  1. Go to service plan permissions settings to grant/revoke permissions:

    • for Plesk customers: Service Plans > plan_name > Permissions tab.

    • for Plesk resellers: Service Plans > Reseller Plans tab > plan_name > Permissions tab.

  2. Enable the following permissions to allow PHP management or disable to forbid:

    • Hosting settings management
    • Common PHP settings management
    • PHP version and handler management__
  3. Click Update & Sync.

    Note: Locked subscriptions (Marked with a blue lock in the Subscriptions menu) will not be synced.

For a subscription that belongs to a customer

  1. In Plesk, go to Customers > customer_name > Subscriptions tab > subscription_name > Customize (under Account on the right).

  2. On the Customizing Subscription page, switch to the Permissions tab and enable the following permissions to allow PHP management or disable to forbid:

    • Hosting settings management
    • Common PHP settings management
    • PHP version and handler managementsubscription.PNG
  3. Click Update & Lock to apply the changes.

    Note: This subscription will no longer be synced with its service plan.

For all subscriptions that belong to a reseller

  1. In Plesk, go to Resellers > reseller_name > Customize (under Resources on the right).

  2. On the Customizing Subscription page, switch to the Permissions tab and enable the following permissions to allow PHP management or disable to forbid:

    • Hosting settings management
    • Common PHP settings management
    • PHP version and handler management

  3. Click Update & Lock to apply the changes.

    Note: This reseller will no longer be synced with its service plan.

Note: the feature to allow/forbid access to some particular PHP parameter (like open_basedir) is yet to be implemented.
Take part in our product improvement and vote for this feature on Plesk UserVoice.
The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.

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