
How to add a custom user permissions for a domain in Plesk on Windows?


Custom user permissions for a domain directory are automatically overwritten by Plesk.

How to add custom user permissions for a domain in Plesk on Windows?


  1. Connect to the server via RDP.

  2. Go to

  3. Create a backup of .Security file.

  4. Open .Security in a text editor and add an entry like below under <Entries> section:

    <Entry AccounType="0" Account="NetworkService" Path="[HTTPD_VHOSTS_D]" SubPath="" AceFlags="ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles" AccessMask="FullAccess" EntryFlags="0x0" Tag="" Tag2=""/>


    • NetworkService - name of the custom user

    • - the domain name.

  5. Run below command to apply permissions:

    C:> plesk repair fs -y

Note: maybe owerwritten by Plesk. It generates from %plesk_dir%etchosting_template.xml


Additional Information

Customizing Hosting Security

Hosting Security Metadata File Templates

General Security Metadata Structure

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