
Failed backups cannot be removed from Backup Manager



Failed backup task is stuck in the tasks.db database



  1. Connect to the server via SSH

  2. Access the backup tasks database:

    # sqlite3 /usr/local/psa/PMM/tasks/tasks.db

  3. Find the failed task by timestamp and remove it.

    For example, the failed backup session was created 2020-09-01:

    SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE dump LIKE '%2020-09-01%;

  4. Examine the query output, and remove the task if the session timestamp matches the stuck one:

    DELETE FROM tasks WHERE id=2;


  1. Connect to the server via RDP

  2. Download the sqlite3 client from this link and extract it to any convenient location (e.g. C:sqlite)
  3. Open the command prompt as Administrator and access the backup tasks database

    C:> "C:sqlitesqlite3.exe" "%plesk_dir%PMMtaskstasks.db"

  4. Find the failed task by timestamp and remove it.

    For example, the failed backup session was created 2020-09-01:

    SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE dump LIKE '%2020-09-01%;

  5. Examine the query output, and remove the which has the session timestamp matching the stuck one in GUI:

    DELETE FROM tasks WHERE id=2;

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