One of the below errors appear when clicking on a domain in Plesk:
Server Error
500 SB_Facade_Exception_NotFound
The site with UUID "xxx-yyy-zzz" was not found.
Server Error
500 SB_Facade_Exception_Generic
Access denied for user 'sitebuilder'@'localhost'
Server error
500 TypeError
Cannot destructure property 'isSecondaryCollapsible' of 'e' as it is undefined. -
The Web Presence Builder database is not present on the server:
# plesk db "use sitebuilder5;"
ERROR 1049 (42000) at line 1: Unknown database 'sitebuilder5'
exit status 1And WPB is not used by any domain at the moment.
Extra references to the sitebuilder5
database in the Plesk psa
# plesk db "select * from dom_param where param='site_builder_site_id';"
| 166 | site_builder_site_id | xxx-yyy-zzz |
Plesk for Windows
Connect to the server via RDP
Start the Command Prompt as Administrator
Delete the extra reference(s) with the command below:
C:> plesk db "delete from dom_param where param='site_builder_site_id';"
Plesk for Linux
Connect to the server via SSH
Delete the extra references:
# plesk db "delete from dom_param where param='site_builder_site_id';"