
Discontinued support of features and components in Plesk Onyx 17.8


The support for the following components and features are discontinued in Plesk Onyx 17.8:

Click on the required section to get details on why these features are dropped and recommendations on what to do:

Apache Tomcat

  • Both our users and us were often dissatisfied with a degree of Tomcat support in Plesk, but low demand for this feature did not allow us to invest more efforts into it. Tomcat usage among Plesk users has been steadily declining over the years, and our statistics do not show any evidence that this trend is going to change. Nevertheless, if the demand will be significant, we will consider a possibility of supporting Tomcat in some way.

  • What to do? Existing Plesk versions (up to Plesk Onyx 17.5) will continue to fully support Tomcat until their EOL. We will continue monitoring Uservoice for Tomcat support requests to evaluate Tomcat popularity and to assess the feasibility of creating a Tomcat extension. Alternatively, you can develop your own Tomcat extension using the Plesk Extensions SDK.

Virtuozzo EZ Templates

  • In the past, EZ templates for Plesk have provided higher density via sharing RAM/disk space for identical files. However, an embedded deduplication mechanism we use nowadays provides the same effect without using EZ Templates and makes usage of EZ templates redundant. At the present time, the popularity of Virtuozzo EZ templates among Plesk users is very low.

  • What to do? If you were using EZ Templates to install Plesk, we recommend to install and update Plesk using Plesk Autoinstaller. Refer to the links below to read about available Plesk Onyx 17.8 installation options:

    Quick non-interactive Plesk installation with default settings and components
    Custom non-interactive Plesk installation
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