After updating Plesk Obsidian to version 18.0.40, Acronis backup fails with the following error:
Failed to execute command '/usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/webcpprecapture: /usr/bin/sw-engine: /usr/lib/Acronis/system_libs/8.2.1/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /usr/bin/sw-engine)
Acronis console shows the following error message:
Cannot protect a device with assigned quota
Protection plan 'webcp' has been revoked from '' due to a licensing issue.
A bug in the Acronis agent that has been fixed in version 15.0 28610.
Log in to Plesk
Open Acronis Backup > Go to backup console (it may ask for credentials)
Go to Settings > Agents in the Acronis Backup console
Select the machines with an outdated agent. They're marked with an orange exclamation mark.
Note: The machines must be online.
Click Update agent
Make sure all previously configured directives are set: 69808: Acronis Backup extension for Plesk: Backup fails after Plesk update to version 18.0.40:
Connect to the Plesk server over SSH
# vi /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/webcpprecapture
Add the following lines:
unset LD_PRELOAD -
Save the changes
If the Acronis agent is on version 28323 (can be checked in Acronis console), follow these steps too:
Connect to the Plesk server over SSH
Download the patched
# wget
Rename the original file:
# mv /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/{,.backup}
Move the downloaded file to the Acronis directory:
# mv /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery
Restart the Acronis service:
# service acronis_mms restart
Verify that Plesk is detected:
Note: It make take a couple of minutes to take effect.
# acropsh -m dmldump -s mms -vs InstanceManagement::Instance | grep InstalledApplication
('.Parameters.InstalledApplication', 'item_string', 'Plesk'),
('.Parameters.InstalledApplication^Searchable', 'nil', None),