
After Docker extension upgrade to 1.6.3 version all containers are automatically published to on host



external issue.


Note: the issue will not occur after Docker extension update to latest 1.6.4 version, but this is applicable only for non affected servers, if the Plesk server with Docker extension 1.6.3 has already a described issue, even after upgrade of Docker extension to 1.6.4 version, the steps below still should be applied.

  1. Log into the server via SSH.
  2. Using the vi text editor open the /etc/docker/daemon.json file.
  3. Remove the line below:


  4. Save changes
  5. Restart Docker service to apply the changes:

    # systemctl restart docker

Note: if container is not running as expected after step №5, restart container manually with the command by replacing ContainerID with the ID of Docker container:

# docker container restart ContainerID

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