
A list of scripts from /etc/cron.hourly is sent hourly to the Plesk admin constantly



Corrupted or altered /usr/bin/run-parts script (most commonly as a result of interrupted operating system package updates).


Note: Nothing on the side of Plesk edits or has ever edited the /usr/bin/run-parts script of any Linux operating system, due to which the resolution of the issue involves the reinstallation of core operating system packages.

1. Connect to the server via SSH

2. Find the exact package that is responsible for the creation of the current /usr/bin/run-parts file on your server and replace it by using the proper steps for your operating system:
Click on a section to expand

For Debian-based operating systems:

1. Find the exact package that creates this file:

# dpkg -S /usr/bin/run-parts
debianutils: /usr/bin/run-parts

2. Download the same package as a .deb file by executing the following command:

# apt download debianutils

3. Force the overwriting of the currently used package files with the ones from the .deb file you just downloaded by executing the following command:

# dpkg --force-overwrite -i debianutils_5.5-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb

For RHEL-based operating systems:

1. Find the exact package that creates this file:

# rpm -qf /usr/bin/run-parts

2. Remove the mentioned package without its dependencies by executing the following command:

# rpm -e --nodeps crontabs-1.11-6.20121102git.el7.noarch

3. Reinstall the package that was just removed by executing the following command:

# yum install crontabs-1.11-6.20121102git.el7.noarch


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