
Troubleshooting – Restoring Mail Configuration

You can restore your mail server functionality in cases when errors
appear concerning the mail server misconfiguration or its mismatching
with the Plesk’s internal database. This purpose is served by an
internal utility mchk.exe residing at %plesk_dir%adminbin.
The utility restores the mail server configuration using the Plesk’s
database data.

Note: The utility restores only configuration of the mail server selected
as default in Server Administration Panel > Tools & Settings >
Server Components.

In general, mchk.exe matches the mail server configuration with
Plesk’s database. In case when you execute mchk.exe --all --fix-all,
the utility resets the mail server configuration the following way: It
deletes all existing configuration files of the mail server (leaving its
content) and then creates them according to the Plesk’s database.

Warning: Use --fix-all option only if the mail server’s configuration
files are so much corrupt that the mail server itself cannot work
with them properly and executing mchk.exe with other options does not
solve the problem.

Usage: mchk.exe [options]

Available options

Option Parameter Action Example
--all   Checks and restores server-wide mail settings and mail settings
for all domains
mchk.exe --all
  --fix-all Resets server-wide and domain’s mail settings mchk.exe --all --fix-all
--domain --domain-name Checks and restores mail settings for a specified domain mchk.exe --domain
--all-domains   Checks and restores mail settings for all domains mchk.exe --all-domains
--global-settings   Checks and restores only server-wide mail settings mchk.exe --global-settings

Note: This utility does not have any help reference, and executing it with
arguments like /? will simply start restoring of mail

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